Sponsorship & Consulting Agency
Events To Sponsors
& Brands To Customers!

Sell Your Event! Do you need help when it comes to selling sponsorship for your live event? Were you just thrown the sponsorship management role for your organization? Get Teresa’s bestselling Sponsorship book and workbook, Sell Your Event! The Easy to Follow Practical Guide to Getting Sponsors.

Whether you have a long-standing, well-known event or you’re just getting started, check out our free resources to help you reach your maximum sponsorship potential.
Our Services
Sponsorship & Consulting
Is your event not hitting its sponsorship goals? Juggling too many jobs and know sponsorship money is being left on the table? Let Green Cactus handle the sponsorship selling of your event so you can get back to doing what you love. Our staff has brokered millions with top regional and national brands. Let us take the burden off your shoulders and help you reach your Sponsorship goals!
What Our Clients Are Saying

Hood To Coast
Relay & Race Series
Portland, OR
— Dan F.

North Miami
Miami, FL
— Christina J.

The Loop
Artist Rehearsal Complex
Fort Worth, TX
— Rachel L.